Friday, September 30, 2016

Youth, Voice, and Vision Dinner

It's almost October, CRASC! That means it's almost time for our first ever Youth, Vision, and Voice dinner at the beautiful Merrill Center in Annapolis. This event will be an opportunity for student leaders in Anne Arundel County to get to know their local policy makers, as well as speak to them on issues of relevance to our school system and the youth of society as a whole. Those who are interested in attending this event should contact for more information and to RSVP. Students must RSVP in order to be added to the guest list.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

CRASC Speaks On AACPS Transgender Guidelines Controversy

CRASC President Scott Howarth spoke today about the transgender guidelines set by AACPS along with the controversy that has gone along with them. 

See the video on AACPS's Facebook Below: 

Welcome Back!

Happy September, CRASC! School is finally back in session, although most of our executive staff members have kept busy this summer attending Insight Student Leadership events, as well as planning for the upcoming year. 

This past summer we discussed hot-button issues about equity and diversity, received training in restorative justice practices, started to plan our legislative priorities dinner coming up in October, amongst many other things. 

But now that our crazy summer has wrapped up, we are ready to go into this year with full force. 

Some highlights for the upcoming 2016-2017 year include…
  • Our previously mentioned Voices and Vision-Student Priorities Dinner: This event will be the first of its kind, and will replace our annual tradition of hosting a Lobbying Day. It will involve meeting with various Anne Arundel County representatives to discuss issues of importance to students of AACPS. This will be held on October 20th at the Phillip Merill Center and will be invitation only. Please contact or if interested in being a part of this event. 
  • CRASC’s first military themed event: This year CRASC will be planning their first ever military event for students interested in pursuing a military career in the future, as well as for students who are a member of a military family. This event is going to be geared at providing recourses as well as support for these students. 
  • Being an involved member in discussing both policy and important issues of AACPS: It’s been less than a month into the school year and CRASC has already acted as a sounding board for things such as the new Cum Laude system for AACPS high school graduation and parking passes for high school students. With matters concerning things such as the School Board Nominating Commission and the recent school calendar changes for Maryland being very pressing, we are sure to have a lot to discuss in this upcoming year. 

We are all looking forward to to the new year, and plan on accomplishing great things. We love to see new faces, so please check out all our executive staff meeting dates on the calendar on our website ( 

-Your CRASC Officers