A few weeks ago, an article came out describing an exchange of emails between students in AACPS and County Councilman Steve Schuh. Various students emailed their concerns to him about teacher pay, and Schuh responded with comments such as these:
"With all due respect, you don't know what you're talking about,”
"Don't believe everything you hear. You should have learned that by now as a senior in high school."
"And don't be another dumb kid who contacts elected officials and parrots something some adult told you to say.”
CRASC’s first vice president, Alex McGrath, wrote an editorial in response to Schuh’s comments which can be found here. In the article, Alex invited Councilman Schuh to apologize for his inappropriate responses at our November General Assembly.
Schuh declined an apology, and instead his educational liaison Ms. Amalie Brandenburg will be attending in his place today.