Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Election Day

Happy Election Day CRASC! Admittedly, the large majority of us won't be voting in Maryland's primary elections today, but as reminded to us the Friday before last, we have an extremely important vote of our own. Anne Arundel County students get the privilege of voting for our Student Member on the Board (SMOB). Not only is the SMOB the only elected member on AACPS's board of education, but they are the only student member on a board of education in the entire country with full voting rights.

Over the past school year, in relation to AACPS's Student Member on the Board, accusations have been made with respect to the validity of our election process, the reliability of student voters, and the student member having the power that they do.

Recently an article has been written by a teacher of Anne Arundel county in response to these accusations. We encourage you to read it here, take pride in the fact that our votes are a part of something very influential and important, and remember the student voice matters.

Encourage your eligible friends and family to go out and exercise their right to vote today, and enjoy your day off!